Advertisements , which are papers or big billboards with tons of information containing different things are very popular in the U.S. In today's society commercial pollution floods our brains at the rate of about three thousand marketing messages per day, as stated in the story "Hype".
Hype by Khalle Lasn is all about advertisements and the popularity between them and how they can easily distract a human in everyday life, from the moment their alarm clock wakes them up. Kalle Lasn wants her readers to realize that wherever they go they will notice that an advertisement is somehwhere around. Some common places that advertisements will be posted on are buses and billboards. If you were to drive on a road trip you are guaranteed to see plenty of big billboards with advertisements on them. As you stand and wait for a bus the bus stop and the actual bus will have advertisements on them. Advertisements on buses and billboards are usually help full , such as you driving and you see a billboard with an advertisement about the nearest food restaurant that you can go and eat in. When i was ten i went on a road trip with my family and we were driving up the road and we had to make a rest stop but we didnt know where the nearest rest room was. A few more miles into the drive we saw a billboard advertising the nearest hotel. With the helpful information from that advertisement we were able to go to the hotel for a rest stop. Some other things that advertisements can appear to be on are clothes, trains, buildings, etc.
"There is no where to run. No one is exempt and no one will be spared"as Khalle Lasn wrote in the story. Everywhere you go there is a advertisement, big or small , sometimes repeating the same information about certain things. If you dont visually see an advertisement then you will more than likely hear one on a radio station or a television commercial. Advertisements can be very persuasive and allow people to rethink things that the advertisement is trying to sell out.
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