Tuesday, October 29, 2013

blog entry 8 : Most People Do Not Want Freedom

It is true, most people do not want freedom. Freedom can mean many things to different people in different point of views. When i hear the word freedom i think about happiness and enjoyment but at the same time i think about chaos and disasters. I think happiness because I am free to do what i please without any consequences to my actions or any worries. One the other and i think chaos and disaster because without any guidance in the world the world would be a big mess. People would commit crimes and wouldn't get punushed for them but then again the crimes wouldn't be considered a crime because they ae free to do what they please. Some people are scared of freedom because with to much freedom somethings won't get done such as reaching a goal for something or getting far in life.

For example , look at the people who have an education and the people who don't. Some jobs now and days require you to have some type of educaion for yourself in order to work there such as a highschool diploma or a degree from college. If there's nothing but freedom in the world then the people who worked hard, basically worked hard for nothing because the people who had no education will be able to have the same oppertunity to work there and that wouldn't be fare to the hard working people.

Freedom can be good to an certain extint. To much freedom can cause a world disaster such as people dying or people being scared to live their life since no rules apply to anyone.It's okay to have a little bit of freedom but to much can lead to bad results.

1 comment:

  1. Hello again Shanekwa,

    It was nice reading about your opinions on freedom. In fact freedom goes a long way in our country. You supported your claim well with great examples. However, just be sure to elaborate more in your paragraphs.It seems as if you have more that you want to express. I like the example you used on education, I agree.
