Tuesday, December 10, 2013

final project

             Baked Macaroni and Cheese

  • 2 boxes of  Ronzoni Jumbo Shells 
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 6 cups milk
  • 5 large egg
  • 12 ounces sharp cheddar, shredded
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • Large foil pam
  • Drainer

  • boil a big pot of water until water is boiling
  • preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  • When the water is boiling add salt with box of shells (add salt so the shells wont stick together
  • Let the shells boil until they are soft. 
  • In the large pan spread  the butter 
  • Pour the shells into the drainer to get all the water out 
  • Pour the shells into the pan
  • Spread them around and add the eggs and milk
  • Put in oven to cook for about 2 hours but constantly check on it
  • before it done take it out and add the cheese on the top of it
  • place it back into the over so the cheese can melt on the top of it 
  • when its done take it out and let it cool 
  • Enjoy
Preparing this meal is special to me because my Nana showed me how to prepare it and she is very special to me. We do alot of things together and when my Nana cooks she puts her passion into it so when I prepare the meal I have to do the same or I wont get the results I aim for. In preparation to this meal i learned that the longer I keep it in the oven the crunchier the shells will be and you don't want crunchy shells so you have to always check it. Cooking this meal makes me feel special because this is a meal that has been in my family for years. I enjoy cooking it for my friends and family 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

blog entry 9

Red Pill or Blue Pill?

 If i had to choose between the 2 i would choose the red pill and see how far the rabbit hole goes. i am a person who wants to know results even when the outcome can be mad. I believe there is soemthing good in everything no matter what. Im very curious about things and even when i know things might be trouble-some i still try to fogure out what it can be. It's good to have different views on things rather than just believing one thing because when u look from the out side in you can have a whole different viewpoint on things. I like to exend my knowledge so if that means looking beyond what i already know then i will be willing to do that so i have have different answers and different reasons to the thing that i do and dont beliveve in.

I Am/I Am Not Living In The Matrix

I donot think we are living in a fake world. I believe that the world we live in is what we make it to be. Some people thing that life isn't fare because bad things happen to them but if they apply themselfs then life would be good. Every day when we wake up we are breathing. Everday someone is born or someone is dying. If we was living in a fake world then everyone would always stay alive because noone will be able to die. If you living in a fake world you wouldnt have any problems, things would be so easy to come by, life would be so easy and you would be living with no worries.In the real world we don't always get what we want. Some people are rich while others are poor. Thats the real world thats just how it goes. If we was living in a fake world we wouldnt need an education for ourselfs we wouldnt need to wake up everyday and go to work to provide for ourselfs because everything would be right there for us. We live in a world where we have to work hard for what we need or we wont have nothing at all.

blog entry 8 : Most People Do Not Want Freedom

It is true, most people do not want freedom. Freedom can mean many things to different people in different point of views. When i hear the word freedom i think about happiness and enjoyment but at the same time i think about chaos and disasters. I think happiness because I am free to do what i please without any consequences to my actions or any worries. One the other and i think chaos and disaster because without any guidance in the world the world would be a big mess. People would commit crimes and wouldn't get punushed for them but then again the crimes wouldn't be considered a crime because they ae free to do what they please. Some people are scared of freedom because with to much freedom somethings won't get done such as reaching a goal for something or getting far in life.

For example , look at the people who have an education and the people who don't. Some jobs now and days require you to have some type of educaion for yourself in order to work there such as a highschool diploma or a degree from college. If there's nothing but freedom in the world then the people who worked hard, basically worked hard for nothing because the people who had no education will be able to have the same oppertunity to work there and that wouldn't be fare to the hard working people.

Freedom can be good to an certain extint. To much freedom can cause a world disaster such as people dying or people being scared to live their life since no rules apply to anyone.It's okay to have a little bit of freedom but to much can lead to bad results.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

blog entry 10

In the passage "The Dangers of Reality T.V.", Timothy Sexton explains in different reasons why reality T.V. can be bad and dangerous. Sexton explains the importance of competition, value of image over ability and the obsolescene of education. In my essay I will be writing about image over ability and the affects that image can have over someone.

 Image will have you thinking that you are better than everyone. If one has an attractive image and receives compliments constantly, one will forget about the importance of life and think that image will determine their ability to live.They will live their life based on looks and forget whats important in the world. They also forget that  there's more to life than just looks such as personality. 

Image will have you thinking that you don't need to work harder than others to get certain things. In paragraph three it states "On many of these television shows a contestant who is often considered the most qualified often loses out to another contestant who presents a hipper image". That is where image over ability can relate. Because of their looks, they won against a contestant who had all the skills. That's not fair to the contestant with the skills because now it seems that they have worked hard for no reason where as the contestant with the looks came into the game with the intention of winning just because of their looks.  

 Image will have you thinking things in life will come easy. It is not hard to get on a reality show with lack of skills since your appearance in image is attractive. On reality T.V. shows most of the time actors image is what catches our attention. Sometimes we wouldn't even know if they have other skills because all they present is their image. Before celebrities star in a reality show they have to look a certain way. They have make up artist, wardrobe artist and hair artist in which they prepare them so they can look their best. In reality shows such as "Love and Hip-Hop or "The Bag Girls Club" on their reunion show they show all of the girls being prepped and ready to go out on the show. The cameras show the cast getting ready then show them on stage all dolled up and camera ready.  

 Image over ability can affect one's way of living because image would be all that they know to survive rather than education and skill. Education and skill is very important because if you don't have the certain looks then what else would you rely on in life other than education and gain a good career from it. Reality T.V. only points out peoples image rather than their natural talents. Image over ability is the least thing that people need to think is important.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Blog Entry 7

In the passage "Truman show syndrome: Why people think they're living a reality show" by Colin Lecher, Lecher explains and proves that some things can be real but its not. He explains the story of Nick Lots and the Truman Show. There are people who believe they are in a reality show every day of their lives.

 In the beginning of the passage Colin Lecher ask "what do you do when delusions and paranoia looks an awful lot like the real world?" As referred from New Yorkers people are convinced that the actors are woken up famous, the stars of a world wide reality t.v. show (paragraph 1). Colin Lecher explains the story of Nick Lots, who suffered from delusions. Nick was suddenly puzzled of his life and since college he was the star of the reality T.v. show. Cameras was kept hidden from him. On the night of the finale he was suppose to give his dad a check for 1 million dollars. Instead he strung out to make the call causing the cameras to never cut off.
Some people think they are in a reality show because everyday they wake up they feel like they are being watched. People watch t.v. so they can relate and believe that they are living a reality TV show because they have similar things in common with the actors on TV I don't believe my life is a reality TV because when i wake up i don't do everything scripted as a T.v star would. I do whatever i want not what i'm told to read.

  In "The Truman Show" Truman was the reality star but he didn't know that. He lived his life but the people around him were aware actors and did whatever they were told so that Truman had no idea what was going on. Truman later on discovered that his life was all a lie. I don't think it was fair to Truman that he had no idea his life was a reality show. Truman wasn't really living his life, he was living a life that was forced onto him. Pretend friends and family members walked around as they were told to and act as if nothing was going on.

  In the movie, every morning Truman would say "Good Morning, Good Evening, and Good night" to his neighbors. His neighbors carried things such as a trash can which has an hidden camera in it to show Truman and his daily routines.

 Some people who think they live in a reality T.v show really don't. They just have strong delusions that makes things look more like the real world. It never slips my mind that i an a star of a reality show. In reality shows actors are fake and get told what to do. I wake up every morning and just live my life freely getting through any obstacle that crosses my way.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Blog Entry 2.1 : The Truman Show

What are the similarities and differences between "Truman's life in Seahaven and the reality TV show like "The Bachelor", "The 'Survivor", orr "The Real World". ?

   The Truman Show are similar with the other shows because they are all T.V shows. They are all on tv where millions of people are watching them. The dirrence between the other reality shows and The Truman Show is that the other shows were scripted and the Truman Show wasn't. In the reality shows The Bachaelor , The Real World, etc the people on there know that they are being recorded. They are aware that they are on tv with the cameras facing them.The are told by a producer what to do on the show and what they cannot do on the show. Those shows usually stay on for a limited time due to the amount of episodes that are aired and they dont come on back to back they usually come on once a week. On the other hand, The Truman Show was an ongoing show and It came on everyday with no comercials to interupt it. The only problem was the star of the show, Truman, didnt know that his life was being recored. He didnt know that the people around him was actors yet alone hisself. There we're over 5,000 cameras around his life and he didn't know until a breaking point and people such as his wife were advertising random things into the hidden cameras. Truman had no idea that he was being recored, he didnt even know who his family was because everything was now a lie. The place in which he was living was just a world made for him in which he was the star, an unaware star that followed his everyday life movements.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Blog Entry Number 4

 In "Plato's Allergory Of The Cave" Jan Saenredam explains the life of people who lived in a cage since birth hood around 500 B.C.E. The people was chained from not only head to toe but on their necks so that they wont be able to turn around forcing them to only stare in front of them. There was a fire and a passage way behind them which caused shadows on the cave walls from things that passed by. There we're all type of things such as people walk carrying things on their heads, figures of men and animals made of wood and stone and other materials. Because they couldn't see anything behind them they didn't know that the shadows were actually shadows, they thought it was the real thing because that's all they every saw. One day one of the prisoners were led free and because he was a prisoner for so long he would have pains from being in such a stiff position. He got distracted by the light so his vision was a bit blur at first. He then saw all the things that he once saw in the cave not knowing that they were reality because all he ever seen of them was shadows which was his relality. He then ran back to the cave to tell the others what was outside but they couldnt really undertsnad him, they barely recognized his voice.

 I believe that my stage in life according to the cave would be me walking out into the light. I say that because i have over come alot in my life. During my highschool years it was hard for me to get through because i didnt have a job and only my mother was supporting me. My mother had other bills to pay so it was hard to try and give me all that i wanted plus pay off her bills. The real rough time was around my prom and graduation. everything was so expensive and only my mom,with a little help from my dad, mad everything possibe. I was able to get the dress that i wanted, the hair style that i wanted and enjoy my night the way i dreamed of. Now i have a job so my mother dont have to work that hard for me. Im working ,in college and i help my mom on bills now. Im very greatful with where im at in life and i do it all for me and my mom to survive. We are definantly moving foward into the light 

Blog Entry Number 3

 "I Know The Truth, So Don't Bother Me With Facts" by Jeffrey Kluger is a story about people who are easily convinced by a rumor that they've heard and even with the bold facts in their face they will deny the truth. People are so weakened by lies and rumors that they hear and come across so he explains why it's so easy for someone to believe a rumor and tries to find a way to change peoples beliefs on rumors
 The weakness of lies was on full display at ground zero downtown Manhattan in the shouting match over the planned mosque.Researchers did a study to see how deep false beliefs are and what he had to do to free people from it. R. Kelly Garrett and Erik Nisbet , assistant professors from Ohio University, did another study on people. They recruited 750 people who believed one of the rumors about the Islamic center. they then spoke facts about the center to see if that would change the people's mind about the rumors that they have heard and if so how well and clear those facts should be presented. because of they study they came up with 2 conclusions: 1)  it is easy to persuade people with pictures or quotes 2) people still believed what they did even with facts to prove them wrong. I feel real significant about that because once someone mind is set to knowing something they are not going to change their mind from facts, because they already had it set that what they first heard was the truth. Garret cites many resources stating that when people hear rumors, even with the facts to back it up as to why it might not be true, they still contradict from what they think they already know and block out the truth. Because of that they still have not figured a way to get people to change their minds about rumors. Some investigators are still looking into the studies to see the reasons why people believe what they have heard or seen.  

 I am one of those people who believe something that I've heard and it is very hard to change my mind about it. If I hear a rumor repeatedly I would think that rumor is true because if it wasn't why would so much people spread it. Most rumors are true but have a bit of information that makes it false. The saying "A lie is always half way true" is what i believe about rumors. Wherever that rumor came from, whoever spread it, must have known some factual information about what it was but wasn't completely sure so they added their own story to it.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

I Know The Truth

People easily believe rumors and lies that they are told. The weakness of lies was on full display at ground zero downtown Manhattan in the shouting match over the planned mosque. Researchers studied how to get someone to not believe all of the rumors they've heard. Assistant professors recruited 750 people who reported believing at least one of the rumors about the proposed Islamic cultural center. They then determines would the facts of the subject change their opinion and if so how can that be done. Garret and Nisbet (assistant professors) came up with 2 conclusions: 1)  it is easy to persuade people with pictures or quotes 2) people still believed what they did even with facts to prove them wrong. Garret cites many resources stating that when people hear rumors, even with the facts to back it up as to why it might not be true, they still contradict from what they think they already know and block out the truth. Some investigators are still looking into the studies to see the reasons why people believe what they have heard or seen. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Advertisements , which are papers or big billboards with tons of information containing different things are very popular in the U.S. In today's society commercial pollution floods our brains at the rate of about three thousand marketing messages per day, as stated in the story "Hype".

    Hype by Khalle Lasn is all about advertisements and the popularity between them and how they can easily distract a human in everyday life, from the moment their alarm clock wakes them up. Kalle Lasn wants her readers to realize that wherever they go they will notice that an advertisement is somehwhere around. Some common places that advertisements will be posted on are buses and billboards. If you were to drive on a road trip you are guaranteed to see plenty of big billboards with advertisements on them. As you stand and wait for a bus the bus stop and the actual bus will have advertisements on them. Advertisements on buses and billboards are usually help full , such as you driving and you see a billboard with an advertisement about the nearest food restaurant that you can go and eat in. When i was ten i went on a road trip with my family and we were driving up the road and we had to make a rest stop but we didnt know where the nearest rest room was. A few more miles into the drive we saw a billboard advertising the nearest hotel. With the helpful information from that advertisement we were able to go to the hotel for a rest stop. Some other things that advertisements can appear to be on are clothes, trains, buildings, etc.

   "There is no where to run. No one is exempt and no one will be spared"as Khalle Lasn wrote in the story. Everywhere you go there is a advertisement, big or small , sometimes repeating the same information about certain things. If you dont visually see an advertisement then you will more than likely hear one on a radio station or a television commercial. Advertisements can be very persuasive and allow people to rethink things that the advertisement is trying to sell out.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013